お風呂の湯加減Ⅹ 今日はちょっと危ないね(^^;;

いつもみーちゃんがお風呂の湯加減の様子見て頂きありがとうございます いつもお風呂の湯加減が心配なみーちゃん  今日は勢い余って蛇口の下に来てしまいました 恐る恐る戻りましたが見ていてハラハラしました 愛くるしい姿がいつも可愛いですね 良ければチャンネル登録お願いします

Thank you for always watching Mi-chan adjust the water in the bath Mi-chan is always worried about the amount of water in the bath Today I came under the faucet with too much momentum I was afraid to return, but it was harassing to see The adorable figure is always cute Please subscribe to the channel if you like

